Amphibian, Baptism, church, disciples, Discipleship, Holy Spirit, John, Lent, Life, Muppets, water

2nd Sunday in Lent (A): “Earthly Things” “Heavenly Things”

Sermon for 3/20/11 Lent 2A John 3:1-17; Psalm 121 "Earthly Things" "Heavenly Things"   As a kid, I loved Sesame Street.  In fact, I still like Sesame Street, and have an ongoing affinity for anything Muppets.  Kermit has always been my favorite. This loveable green frog hails from a swamp, where he had thousands of… Continue reading 2nd Sunday in Lent (A): “Earthly Things” “Heavenly Things”

Baptism, Easter, Holocaust, John, Life, Schindler's List, Thomas

"Life In His Name" Sermon for Easter 2C 4/11/2010

"Life In His Name"Sermon for 4/11/2010Easter 2CJohn 20:19-31; Psalm 150Doubting Thomas.... Poor Thomas gets such a bad rap. We read this Gospel story each year on the Second Sunday of the Easter season.  Whenever I hear this story, the moniker "Doubting Thomas" comes to mind.  Poor, Poor Thomas.  One question, one request, and he is… Continue reading "Life In His Name" Sermon for Easter 2C 4/11/2010

Baptism, bridge, Isaiah, Sabbatical, water

"New Things" Sermon for Lent 5C: 3/22/2010

"New Things"Sermon For Lent 5, Year C 3/22/2010Isaiah 43:16-21; John 12:1-11All of us experience water on a regular basis.  Though Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill are not bisected by any major rivers or sit on a port, we have visited or lived in places where this is true.  Many of us have traveled across long bridges… Continue reading "New Things" Sermon for Lent 5C: 3/22/2010

Baptism, bread, Eucharist, water

Lord’s Prayer Series: "Give Us Today Our Daily Bread," 3/22/09

"Give Us Today Our Daily Bread"3/22/09Lord's Prayer Series- 4th Sunday of LentExodus 16:2-4, 11-18; John 6:28-35I invite you this morning to join me in a prayer that I read this past week and found it to be helpful in expressing my own words. Let us pray:"Lord, we are such hungry people. Give us this day… Continue reading Lord’s Prayer Series: "Give Us Today Our Daily Bread," 3/22/09

Baptism, Deuteronomy, Moses, Sheman, Toy Story

‘What’s On Your Doorpost?" (9/14/08, [Proper 14A/Ordinary 24] Christian Education Sunday)

"What's on your doorpost?"Christian Education Sunday (Proper 14A/Ordinary +24)Sermon from 9-14-08Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 (main text), Psalm 103:15-18, Matthew 2:34-40"Shema yisrael Adonai eloheinu Adonai echad." "Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone." This opening phrase of Deuteronomy 6:4 is one of the most sacred prayers in all of Judaism. It's called the… Continue reading ‘What’s On Your Doorpost?" (9/14/08, [Proper 14A/Ordinary 24] Christian Education Sunday)